Terms of Use Policy

Click here to read the Terms & Conditions.

This System is the property of South Carolina State Government, and may be accessed only by authorized Users and as described by the Acceptable Use Acknowledgement, Privacy Statement, and other documents included by reference in the Terms and Conditions link. Use of this System is subject to non-disclosure, security and confidentiality requirements, not limited to those included by reference in the Terms and Conditions link. Unauthorized use of this System is strictly prohibited and may be subject to criminal prosecution. All activity and communication on this System may be monitored, recorded, and subject to audit. Access or use of this System by any person, whether authorized or unauthorized, constitutes consent to these terms.

Electronic Submissions

By using the electronic submission feature of this Website, you agree to conduct transactions with electronic records and electronic signatures instead of paper-based documents and signatures. If you are unable to complete your transactions electronically, please contact the Office of State Fire Marshal at (222) 222-2222 for assistance.

By your use of the electronic submission feature of this Website, you represent and warrant without reservation that you have the legal right, power, and authority to agree to all terms contained in the electronic records on this Website on behalf of yourself and the member on whose behalf you are acting, if different. You further agree that your use of the electronic submission feature of this Website constitutes an "electronic signature" as defined by the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act ("E-Sign") and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act ("UETA") and that you have formed, executed, entered into, accepted the terms of, and otherwise authenticated the terms specified herein for the use of the electronic submission feature of this Website. You further acknowledge and agree that proceeding to use the electronic submission feature of this Website constitutes your full agreement to all terms and conditions contained herein and that such agreement is an "electronic record" for purposes of E-Sign, UETA, and the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act and as such is completely valid, has legal effect, is enforceable, and is binding on, and non refutable by you and the member on whose behalf you are acting, if different, as if it were any other duly executed paper contract.

By your use of the electronic submission feature of this Website, you are deemed to have read every record and document before electronically submitting it. If you do not understand any record or document, then you agree to communicate directly with an appropriate agent of the South Carolina Office of State Fire Marshal concerning your understanding prior to your continued use of the electronic submission feature of this Website. By your use of the electronic submission feature of this Website, you consent to jurisdiction and venue in the State of South Carolina, for any dispute arising out of same, and you further agree that the Agency/Division shall be entitled to reasonable attorney’s fees, including pre-litigation fees, for enforcement in any court of any of the terms and conditions contained herein.

By using this Website, you agree to immediately notify the Office of State Fire Marshal of any change in your email address.



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